Studies have shown significant value in school-based mental health programs in helping students succeed academically. School-based mental health programs have found to significantly improve school-wide truancy and discipline rates, increase the rates of high school graduation, and help create a positive school environment in which a student can learn and be successful in school and in the community.
Mental Health Support Services
Lee County Schools recognizes the importance of a team approach and how schools and families have essential roles to play in promoting children's positive development and academic performance. When educators and parents work together as partners, they create important opportunities for children to develop social, emotional, and educational competencies.
The Mental Health Support Team provides mental health support to students throughout the school system. School-based staff refers students whose mental health needs cannot adequately be addressed within the typical school environment. Upon referral, cases are staffed according to the needs of the student and the corresponding expertise of the Mental Health Support Team members.
Our district employs a School-Based Mental Health Team that includes internal and external professionals working together to help navigate our students' mental health and well-being.
Contact Information
Dr. Trysha Mazzola, DSW, MSW, LCSW, CCTP-II
Mental Health Coordinator & Policy Advisor
Email Dr. Trysha Mazzola
(919) 774-6226

Dr. Trysha Mazzola